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The rating agency IBI-Rating and International Financial Club «Banker» will hold a conference on «Investment attractiveness and prospects of the Ukrainian banking system in the context of the European integration»

Monday, 21 March 2016 15:03

27 April 2016, the International conference «Investment attractiveness and prospects of the Ukrainian banking system in the context of the European integration» will take place. The conference is organized by the national certified and authorized rating agency IBI-Rating, which is a leader in the rating area in Ukraine and acts as an expert on issues of investment attractiveness, corporate governance and transparency in Ukrainian companies, and by the  International Financial Club «Banker», which gathers experts of the Ukrainian financial market on a regular basis and is always a guarantor of quality discussions on the financial and economic situation issues, as well as development perspectives of the domestic business.

During the conference, participants will be able to hear the views of market regulators, such as the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) and the National Commission on Securities and Stock Market (NCSSM), leading market experts and discuss the problems of transformation of the banking system, investment and prospects of development of financial institutions, as well as their European integration. In addition, issues concerning the role of rating, audit, corporate governance of banks, as well as their role in enhancing of the investment attractiveness, will be raised during panel discussions.

Programme of the conference «Investment attractiveness and prospects of the Ukrainian banking system in the context of the European integration»

PART 1: European integration of the banking system: realities and prospects

Prospects of the banking system in the framework of the European integration process

Internal and external capital markets: challenges and prospects

Transformation experience of the banking systems in Europe

European investments in the banking system of Ukraine

Participants: NBU, NCSSM, representatives of banks with 100% European capital, representatives of European countries, international banks

PART 2: instruments of enhancing of investment attractiveness

The way public organizations view the European integration of the banking system

The role of ratings, audit, appraisal and corporate governance in the formation of investment attractiveness of banks

Legal practice of attracting investors

Participants:  representatives of public organizations in the banking sector, rating agencies, auditors, appraisal companies, public organizations on corporate governance issues, law firms

PART 3: Presentation of results of «Transparency of Ukrainian banks: steps into Europe» research

The research allows to evaluate the degree of compliance of Ukrainian banks with the generally accepted transparency and openness standards, as well as their readiness for partnerships with the European financial market. Based on the results of the research, the nominees will be announced and awarded the "European Partnership" award.

PLEASE NOTE: participation of banks in the conference «Investment attractiveness and prospects of the Ukrainian banking system in the context of the European integration» and the research «Transparency of Ukrainian banks: steps into Europe» is FREE OF CHARGE.

«Transparency of Ukrainian banks: steps into Europe» research

The research will be based on the data obtained from the banks in the course of a survey. All the banks that have expressed their willingness and readiness to confirm their level of transparency and be a part of the European market are invited to take part in the research. In order to ensure objectivity of the research process, the information will be subject to verification. Final results and nominees of the research will be determined by the expert commission, composed of experts from the banking sector.

To apply for participation in the research, please call: +38 (050) 523-56-46, +38 (067 ) 501-01-66

For consultation on all issues, including participation in the conference, as participants or as speakers, please call: +38 (044) 233-63-49, +38 (050) 523-56-46, +38 (067 ) 501-01-66 or visit the web-site:

www.kbs-izdat.com or e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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