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Akhmetov Gets Richer Again – Bloomberg

Wednesday, 26 September 2018 16:16

The business of the Ukrainian businessman Rinat Akhmetov, who survived the revolution, war and nationalization of property by the so-called "republics", goes up - the billionaire’s fortune decreased from $22 billion in 2013 to about 4 in 2015, but now they approach almost $6 billion, Bloomberg reports.

It is noted that Akhmetov, as before, is the richest man in Ukraine. He has the largest in Ukraine industrial conglomerate System Capital Management, whose valuable assets are the metallurgical company Metinvest and DTEK - coal and energy business.

"Both companies had businesses in Lugansk and Donetsk regions, where pro-Russian militants appeared in early 2014. Akhmetov was forced to leave his native Donetsk to Kiev, and his fortune dropped from $22.4 billion in January 2013", Bloomberg writes.

"At the beginning of 2017, the assets of Metinvest and DTEK in Lugansk and Donetsk were nationalized by pro-Russian militants after Ukrainian military veterans started the transit blockade of eastern regions held by militants", the article says.

Bloomberg notes that Akhmetov remained afloat, and Metinvest reported on increasing the financial results in 1st half of 2018 versus the same period in 2017.

"During the same period, DTEK's coal production fell by 12.9%, but its efforts to convert some power units on the consumption of anthracite, which is not available in Ukraine due to the transit blockade, into another type of coal, give results and allow the holding to reduce the demand for coal imports", the edition notes.

It is reported that by 2020, DTEK will send 1.1 billion dollars for the development of renewable energy sources.

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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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