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New IMF Program Will Include at Least 4 Conditions

Wednesday, 26 September 2018 16:22

In order to obtain a new program of cooperation with the International Monetary Fund, Ukraine must meet at least 4 conditions, Galina Kalachova writes in her article on ET.

"It is already clear that Ukraine will not fulfill 100% of the program of expanded cooperation signed with EFF lender in 2015", the article says.

That is why, the author adds, the parties tried to stake on the second option: to agree on a new, shorter, cooperation program. According to ET interlocutors in the government, we are talking about the stand-by program for 12-15 months and for $5-6 billion.

She notes that during IMF mission stay in Ukraine between 6 and 19 September, during which it was not possible to agree on a new program; the discussions were held around 4 main issues.

One of the main issues remains the issue of gas prices. According to sources of the publication on behalf of the Ukrainian negotiating team, the creditor managed to agree on the following: before October 15, the government should decide to raise the gas price by 23% of the current price. In general, as noted earlier, the IMF's position on the gas price was tough.

According to ET, in the new stand-by program, the anti-corruption block may appear. According to sources of the publication, familiar with IMF position, the discussions are held around the reallocation of functions for verifying electronic declarations between anti-corruption bodies in favor of NABU.

Another important issue is a balanced budget. "A balanced budget is a pledge of any cooperation program with a creditor. The need for a balanced budget is unquestionable", the author writes.

According to sources, a new program of cooperation with IMF may provide for the next stage of SFS reform. "The approach to its transformation may change, including – towards reorganization of customs and tax as a single entity", the material says.

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