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Tigipko’s Bank Loses Court to Ukrzaliznytsia for $5 Mln

Thursday, 27 September 2018 16:34

Taking into account the position of the Supreme Court, the Economic Court cancelled the decision to collect $5.3 mln of debt from Ukrzaliznytsia to TAScombank under the loan contract with Donetsk Railroad, the press office of the General Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine reports, HB reports.

Thus, the court reversed enforcement of the court ruling and obligated the claimant to repay received funds.

GPOU noted that defending the interests of the state, when a court of first instance considered a case, the prosecutor proved the lack of credibility of legal actions and absence of legal grounds for collecting debt from Ukrzalizanytsia under loan liabilities of the company, located in the territory, not controlled by Ukraine.

It should be noted that previously, Ukrzaliznytsia repeatedly emphasized that the state enterprise Donetsk Railroad (DR) remains the legal entity and is not excluded from the Unified State Register; that is why the legal succession in material legal relationships for Ukrzaliznytsia after DR did come into effect.

TAS Group was founded in 1998, has assets in the financial and industrial sectors, agriculture, real estate, pharmaceutics and venture projects. The Group’s financial sector includes TAScombank, Universal Bank, VS Bank, two insurance companies and some other organizations. Sergei Tigipko is the founder and major shareholder of the group.

According to the data of the National Bank of Ukraine, as of June 1, 2018, in terms of net assets, TAScombank ranked 18th (UAH 14.4 bln) among 84 operating banks in the country.

Ukrzaliznytsia was transformed to the joint stock company in December 2015. As per results of 2017, the company obtained the profit, amounting to UAH 100 mln.

Ukrzaliznytsia includes Donetsk, Lviv, Odessa, South and South West and Prydniprovska railroads as well as other companies and organization of the single engineering and manufacturing complex, transporting cargo and passengers.

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