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Aslund: Ukraine May Obtain 8 Billion Dollars

Tuesday, 23 October 2018 16:48

The new IMF program will facilitate Ukraine an access to funding, amounting to 8 billion dollars that will allow maintaining a quite stable UAH exchange rate in the next year, Analyst of Atlantic Council Anders Aslund told during interview with Voice of America.

“Ukraine will probably obtain 2 billion dollars from IMF, 2 bln dollars from EU and World Bank; the Ukrainian government will probably place eurobonds for other 2 billion dollars as well as the state companies will probably place eurobonds for other 2 billion dollars or more”, Aslund noted.

“It should be enough so that Ukraine maintain the stable exchange rate in the next year”, he added.

The analyst also emphasized that IMF program will allow settling two major issues, causing concern among observers – NBU’s limited reserves and budgetary constraints.

The new IMF program will allow increasing the currency reserves of the central bank, which amount to about $16.6 bln that is, as per the analyst, the “absolute minimum”.

“The reserves will increase up to 25 bln dollars. It will be enough for the next year for Ukraine, when the election will be held”, Aslund noted.

On October 19, Ukraine and IMF negotiated a new program, amounting to USD 3.9 billion.

G7 countries welcome a new stand-by program between Ukraine and IMF.

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