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Groisman Promises Results of Medical Reform in Five Years

Wednesday, 24 October 2018 17:09

At the same time, the prime minister noted, doctors already now receive salaries, amounting to 12-18 thousand hryvnias thanks to innovations.

Prime Minister Volodymyr Groisman understands that the state of healthcare in Ukraine is unsatisfactory, but he is confident in the correctness of the ongoing medical reform, he stated this during a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, the correspondent of the online publication UA1 reports.

According to the Prime Minister, the results of the medical reform will be seen in 3-5 years.

"We understand that it is very difficult to feel the reforms that we started. There are many ambiguous issues and problems. If we continue this reform, in 3-5 years people will receive new high-quality medicine", the Prime Minister predicted.

In addition, Vladimir Groisman boasted of the increase in the profits of doctors.

“If a doctor used to receive 5-6 thousand hryvnias, now it is 12-18. His profit depends on the number of patients”, Groisman said.

He added that 20 million Ukrainians have already received their personal doctor.

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