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VTB Bank Set Limits for Cash Withdrawal

Tuesday, 06 November 2018 16:57

On November 5, VTB Bank had to set commissions and limits for cash withdrawal that is aimed at halting the outflow of clients’ funds, the press office of the National Bank reports.

“Now, we observe some decline in the liquidity volume in JSC VTB Bank, which had place in the process of drawdown of JSC VTB Bank activities for quite a long time and was deepened by the Kyiv Appellate Court ruling dated September 5 on blocking assets of the financial institution”, the message says.

“As NBU explained, this court ruling actually deprived VTB Bank of the opportunity to replenish liquidity through sale of the pledged property and assets acquired during enforced collection. The National Bank conducts enhanced monitoring of the situation, and if necessary, it will take measures within authorities, stipulated by the current legislation”, the message says.

Meanwhile, NBU emphasizes that the situation with liquidity in VTB Bank does not in any way affect stability of the banking sector of Ukraine, as the share of the specified financial institution is 0.6% from net assets of solvent banks.

“Today, the liquidity of the banking sector is over UAH 80 bln, which is sufficient for its proper and uninterruptible functioning”, NBU stated.

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