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The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine appealed to open the cases for investigation against judges who made political decisions

Tuesday, 25 March 2014 14:58

The Ministry demands public hearing into cases

The Ukraine’s Ministry of Justice Pavel Petrenko addressed the High Court of Justice and Higher Qualification Commission of Judges asking to immediately carry out the checks of the actions undertaken by the judges who were involved into political persecutions, he said at the press-conference at the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the press-office of the institution reports. 

Mr. Petrenko noted that a few judges of Pechersky, Shevchenkovsky, Darnitsky, Obolonsky and Solomiansky disctrict courts in Kyiv city made unjust decisions, these cases have been already filed to the Higher Qualification Commission of Judges.

«We demand public hearings in this cases, and to raise a question of their responsibility – both disciplinary and criminal», - he underlined.

According to the Minister, without an objective evaluation of unlawful actions taken by the judges, further lustration of the judicial system is impossible.

«I hope that the High Court of Justice and Higher Qualification Commission of Judges will be impartial and unbiased when examining the facts related to violation of human rights  and human freedoms , which were committed by the officers of the justice system during the protests in Kyiv», - Mr.Petrenko accentuated.

Furthermore, the Minister noted that the Verkvovna Rada has already considered the law on restoration of confidence in the judicial system, and did it as quick as possible».

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