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Hungary to Simplify Employment for Ukrainians

Friday, 16 September 2016 15:28

The country has personnel deficiency, because youth massively moves to Western Europe.

Minister for National Economy of Hungary Mihaly Varga stated that the government should simplify the procedure of issuing work permits  to the citizens of neighboring non-EU member countries, in particular, for Ukraine, he said in the interview to Heti válasz, Correspondent reports.

The diplomat noted that there is an acute deficiency of personnel in Hungary (not less than 50 thousand vacancies).

According to him, the preference should be given to those who “share moral, ethical, cultural and historical values of Hungarians”.

The Minister cited as an example the flexible approach on this matter of the Czech Republic, where currently 200-220 thousand Ukrainians are currently working, and Poland (about 2 million of Ukrainian citizens). According to different estimates, only from Hungary, the population of which is less than 10 million, about 600 thousand citizens, predominantly youth, moved to Western Europe.

According to Manpower Group researches for the previous year, in Hungary the drivers, engineers, accountants are in the most demand. There is a chronic demand in medical workers, about 300 districts have no general practitioners, and about 300 ths patients do not have their personal physician.

There is an acute shortage of programmers; however, this category is the highest-paid one.

For legal employment in Hungary as well as in other EU countries, the citizens of non-EU member countries usually need to obtain work permit, and then apply for long-term visa or residence permit for this purpose. 


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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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