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Court Cancels Change of “Consumer Basket” in Ukraine

Wednesday, 30 November 2016 16:05

The High Administrative Court of Ukraine satisfied the claim from the Cabinet of Ministers on court decisions regarding the claim of Open Court Project Manager Stanislav Batrin, with which the government had to reconsider “consumer basket” and minimum living wage” in Ukraine, according to the message at the site of Open Court Project.

According to the decision, on November 29, the High Administrative Court cancelled the decision of all lower courts, who made the government reconsider social standards.

It is noted that in the meantime the court submitted the case to a new trial in the court of the first instance.

According to the message, the representative of government drew court’s attention to the fact that the Cabinet of Ministers does not have enough authorities for setting minimum living wage.

In 2015, the Cabinet of Ministers lost two court cases about the necessity of reconsideration of minimum living wage and content of “consumer basket”.

The government submitted the cassation appeal to the High Administrative Court and asked to stop considering the living wage in Ukraine and cancel the decision of the court of the first instance and appeals.

Considering that the High Administrative Court denied suspending enforcement of court decisions, for the first time for 15 years, the government had to reconsider “consumer basket” and minimum living wage in Ukraine, as well as declare the increase of minimum living wage up to UAH 3,200.

“Following such decision, the government tries to forget about the reconsideration of social standards in Ukraine for next 5 years. This logic is clear for us, but not acceptable. This case is under our control and will be completed”, Batrin said.    

It should be reminded that on October 26, the Cabinet of Ministers initiated the decision on increasing the minimum living wage up to UAH 3,200 and intends to add the relevant norm to the draft state budget for 2017.

On November 7, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the new “consumer basket”.


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