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Danyliuk Specifies Date for Obtaining New Tranche from IMF

Tuesday, 04 April 2017 17:19

Ukraine plans to obtain the fifth tranche from IMF in May.

Ukraine plans to obtain the fifth tranche from the International Monetary Fund in this May, Minister of Finance Alexander Danyliuk said to 5 Channel, Correspondent.net reports.

“This year, we planned to obtain four tranches. The next can be in this May”, - Minister of Finance reports.

Danyliuk noted that the received funds of the fourth tranche, about which it was announced on April 3, will be directed to NBU reserves.

According to the Minister, for the first time in the history, Ukraine reached the third program review and received the fourth tranche. Danyliuk noted that it “acknowledges the capability of Ukrainian authorities to fulfill undertaken obligations as well as characterizes the level of cooperation with IMF”.

The Minister also explained IMF’s delay in considering the tranche for Ukraine with the detailed macro-forecast due to the trade blockade on the Donbass and its influence on the public budget.

Danyliuk noted that due to the blockade, the GDP growth in 2017 will slow down by 1 percentage point, but the improvement of external market environment will be able to partially compensate this influence.

As Correspondent.net reports, on April 3, IMF approved the allocation of the next tranche, amounting to USD 1 billion, to Ukraine.

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