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Mass Media: Russia Renews Liquefied Gas Supplies to Ukraine

Friday, 07 April 2017 17:08

The customhouse registers gas, which was delivered in March.

The Russian customhouse started passing the tank wagons with liquefied gas to Ukraine, which were shipped from production until April 1. As Correspondent.net reports, quoting OilNews and the market sources, within a few days, the supplies may be fully renewed.

Now, only the resource, which was shipped in March, is being processed. In the meantime, the new lots remain blocked by the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control of RF (FSTEC).

“The pressure will not decrease. But our company will obtain thousand tons of gas. It will give us some time for searching alternative sources of supplies”, - Deputy CEO of Poltava’s “Nadezhda” (Hope) Stanislav Batrachenko told.

According to her, the trader had to turn the resource of Transcarpathian terminal Strabichevo to the country’s center.

“Before Kyiv, we close the market with resource from Transcarpathia”, he reported.

According to the information, obtained from Russian traders, the supplies can be fully unblocked within a few days.

As Correspondent.net reports, previously, the RF customhouse stopped registering the lots of liquefied gas for supplies to Ukraine. The similar situation already emerged in September 2016.

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