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Scientists Find Method of Memory Improvement

Monday, 24 April 2017 17:07

The method is based on the electrical stimulation of brain.

The scientists from Pennsylvania University developed the effective method of memory improvement, which is based on the electrical stimulation of brain, Correspondent.net reports.

The research was carried out as part of the project, the purpose of which is the creation of the device, implanted in brain. The group of people with epilepsy was involved to participate in the experiment (it can worsen cognitive skills), which was necessary for fulfilment of some tests for assessment of the retention capacity. During the research, the scientist stimulated the brain lobes, connected with memory formation.

The neurobiologists compared the effect from the impact on brain during its high and low activity. As it turned out, in the first case, the stimulation worsened the results of tests, however, in the second, it became better.

The scientists assume that the obtained results will help to create the method of the closed cycle, during which the implanted device will send electrical impulses only in those cases, where they are useful.

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