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Ministry of Finance Will Obligate SFS to Maintain Online Register of Tax Deferrals

Thursday, 15 June 2017 17:20

The State Fiscal Service will create the register of deferrals, which will be posted on its official site, as per the response to the request of anticorruption expert Gleb Kanevsky.

 The State Fiscal Service will create the register of installments , which will be posted on its official site, as per the response to the request of anticorruption expert Gleb Kanevsky, which is available to the Economic truth.



“Thus, according to P.100.10 of Article 100 of the Tax Code of Ukraine, the Ministry of Finance developed the draft order On Approval of Procedure of Maintenance and Form of the Register of Applications for Tax Payment Extension, Deferment or Tax Debt”, as said in the letter. 

“According to the specified draft order, this register will be posted in the official web portal of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine; the information will be updated every day and will contain comprehensive information on the submitted applications for tax payment extension, deferment or tax debt and the decisions, approved by regulatory bodies”, as noted in the response.

It should be reminded that it became known from the response to the request for public information that in 2017, SFS granted deferment to primarily Akhmetov’s companies.  


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