The sharp increase of financial load on small business companies will result in massive closure of businesses.
The Verkhovna Rada registered the draft law, the realization of which will lead to the cancellation of simplified system of taxation for small business, UA1 reports quoting
According to entrepreneurs, business community and small business association, the approval of the respective draft law will eliminate the simplified taxation system.
It is supposed that the small business will spend UAH 15 bln to comply with this draft law just for the first year after its implementation. The spending on obligatory payment of the single tax of the income and expenditure ledger will reach UAH 14 bln.
The state regulatory service (SRS) also confirmed fears of the small business regarding cancellation of the system of simplified taxation.
SRS warned that the sharp increase of financial load on small business companies will lead to massive closure of businesses, growth of unemployment and social tension in the community.