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Mass Media Warns about Possible Cyberattack in Ukraine

Tuesday, 19 December 2017 16:31

The edition The Atlantic claims that there are evidences of the possible attack on the energy network of Ukraine, according to the article of the edition, EP reports.

It is noted that currently, the security experts control the operation of Ukraine’s energy companies and teams in Russia, suspected of committing attacks.

“Some indications already show that the new attack can be prepared. Robert Lee, the founder and CEO of the industrial cybersecurity company Dragos told that lately, he has observed the unusual growth of activities of the same group of developers in Ukraine, who committed cyberattack in 2016”, according to the article.

According to Lee, this group almost did not conduct activities in Ukraine from the last attack and until November.

“According to our estimates, it will be fully rational to conduct attack in this month”, he considers. 

The Atlantic notes that probably this activation is the intelligence and preparation for the following operation or attempt to frighten with the threat of cyberattack.

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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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