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Due to Gas Shortage Ukraine Closes All Educational Establishments

Friday, 02 March 2018 16:15

The Ministry of Energy and Coal Mining imposed temporary restrictions on the gas consumption due to the misbalance of 15-20 mln cubic meters per day, Minister Igor Nasalyk informed during the question hour in the Verkhovna Rada, ET reports.

“According to the information of CEO of Naftogaz Andrei Kobolev, which was conveyed on Thursday, due to Gazprom’s discharge of its contractual obligations, which were determined by the court and the refund of advance payment, Naftogaz had the misbalance in the total balance of our country, which is about 15-20 mln cubic meters of gas”, the minister said.

Nasalyk reminded that on Thursday, this question was also considered at NSDC’s session.

“Yesterday, the session of crisis staff was also held. As per its results, the National Action Plan was introduced and comes into force since today”, he added.

It stipulates:

Firstly, the transition of generation companies from gas to heating oil that will allow saving about 15-20 bln cubic meters per day.

“Secondly, we ordered to fully stop the operation of pre-schools, schools and higher educational establishments until 6 March. Meanwhile, it was ordered to revise so that the temperature regime in these institutions is within the minimum permissible rates”, the minister told.

“And the third position. We appealed to production facilities, so that the action plan is revised with the condition of saving gas resources”, he added.

“There are problems till 5-6 March; then we will work on balance. But the envisaged action plan, I think, will level the problem, and the system will work as usual”, he summarized.

Previously, Naftogaz encouraged Ukrainians to save gas due to Russia’s denial to supply it to Ukraine.

Reportedly, Gazprom reported that 15 minutes before the beginning of the gas supply, Gazprom reported that it changed its mind, decreased pressure in gas pipelines by 20% and reduced to minimum the gas sale to other clients.

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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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