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SSSU Blocks Cyberattack on Diplomatic Mission of NATO Member State

Tuesday, 05 June 2018 16:49

The State Security Service of Ukraine blocked the cyberattack on the diplomatic mission of one of the member states of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) through the information system of the Ministry of Healthcare, according to SSSU’s press office, Ukrainian News reports.

“The employees of the State Security Service of Ukraine blocked the cyberattack on the diplomatic mission of one of member states of the North Atlantic Alliance through the unauthorized use of information resources of the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine”, the message says.

According to the message, the law enforcement officers documented the fact of violation of the rules of information protection and operation of automated systems by the officials of one of enterprises of the Ministry of Healthcare that resulted in the fact that perpetrators received the illegal access to the information and telecommunication systems of the state institution.

In future, the hackers attempted to make cyberattack on foreign representative office.

The criminal proceeding in respect of this fact was initiated under Art. 363 (Impeding the work of electronic computing machines (computers), automated systems, computer networks or telecommunication networks by mass distribution of electronic messages) of the Criminal Code.  

Currently, he is charged with commission of a crime.

As Ukrainian News reported, on June 27, some Ukrainian banks and companies were exposed to the cyberattack of Petya.A virus. The National Police initiated 66 criminal proceedings on the fact of the cybernetic attack on corporate computer networks and computer networks of state institutions.

Previously, the Cyberpolice Department of the National Police warned about the viral attack of CCleaner Updates.

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