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Government Considers Single Package Decision for Simplifying Taxation – Groisman

Friday, 08 June 2018 16:37

The government can offer the single package decision for optimizing taxation inside the country. However, in the meantime, it intends to continue conducting the fiscalization policy for removing a shadow sector and reducing the corruption, Prime Minister Volodymyr Groisman said during HB lecture “Dialogues about the Future”.

“In this question, it is very important to weigh risks for the state budget and correctly estimate real losses, as well as what can be the compensators”, the Prime Minister noted.

Groisman reminded that on the year of imposing the withdrawn capital tax, the losses, amounting to UAH 30-40 bln, are specified. Which is, in his opinion, quite risky today. Besides, among the business representatives, there is no common position on this question.

“Yes, we need to pay attention once again to the taxation inside the country. Possibly, there should be a single package decision, which would optimize taxes. Now, I am seriously interested in it. What model can be offered”, the Head of the Government said.

He admitted that in respect of simplification of tax administration and reduction “there is room for improvement”, however, in his opinion, Ukraine is “quite competitive” in this plan.

“Probably, the withdrawn capital tax will be the solution. But we need to think about other options”, Groisman summarized.

Meanwhile, according to the Prime Minister, the approaching date of elections is one of the risks for imposing a new tax. “Yes, I am concerned about the elections again. They will speak again that state needs a new agenda, some new program, which would be based on social surveys. In principle, everything is clear what should be done. There are no super-know-hows, which should be implemented”, the Prime Minister reasoned.

“We already had so many economic “breakthroughs”, but it all does not work for positive… Therefore, more likely, we need a new tax policy. Secondly, we need to thoroughly weigh risks; thirdly – to conduct fiscalization. The shadow sector saturates corruption with the resource. If we conduct the fiscalization policy together, it will improve our positions, including, in economic development”.

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