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Sytnik: Law on Anticorruption Court is not Victory Yet

Tuesday, 12 June 2018 16:20

Head of the National Anticorruption Bureau Artem Sytnik hopes that soon, President Petro Poroshenko will submit the technical draft law, which will allow the Anticorruption Court to fully operate, he said to the journalists on Tuesday, when he replied to questions at the briefing.

“Let us be sincere: the result, which will be perceived by both society and international partners, is not the law on anticorruption court, not its creation, but those sentences, which it will deliver. Then we will be able to make conclusions that this project really was a success, the court started working, there is a result”, Sytnik said.

“That is why I do not share this euphoria, which is heard from TV screens that it is a victory. It is the first step, and not the most difficult so that this independent judicial organization is launched. That is why I hope that this law will come into force soon”, he noted, ET reports.

Reportedly, the Verkhovna Rada approved the presidential law on the Supreme Anticorruption Court on June 7.

Head of the Verkhovna Rada Andrei Parubii signed the document on June 9.

On June 11, President Petro Poroshenko signed the law on the Supreme Anticorruption court.

Both Ukrainian activists and international institutions sought after its approval.

As People’s Deputy Mustafa Naiem said, the approved law 7440 is not enough so that the High Anticorruption Court starts functioning.

According to him, it is impossible to create the Anticorruption Court without any law, which President Poroshenko should present.

He should determine the mechanism for creating such court.

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