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Omelyan Tells How Ukraine Will Completely Refuse from Share Taxis

Saturday, 23 June 2018 16:40

As part of the transport strategy, the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine plans to completely refuse from share taxis in their current form, Minister of Infrastructure Volodymyr Omelian said during the official announcement of the beginning of implementation of the National Transport Strategy of Ukraine, CTS reports.

“It will be strange for many people, but it is our plans to completely refuse from modern Ukrainian share taxis. The strategy provides for changing them for comfortable neo-liners”, he said.

It should be noted that in March, the deputies of Lviv City Council supported electronic petition on cancelling share taxis and switching to the electronic transport and large-sized buses.

Later, Ternopil City Council supported the same initiative, permitting the public utility company Ternopilelectrotrans to conclude the leasing agreement for purchasing large buses instead of share taxis.

It should be reminded that in May, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the national transport strategy of the country for the period until 2030, which determines the priorities of the industry development.


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