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Farmak Will Defend Corvalolum in Supreme Court

Wednesday, 11 July 2018 16:54

Farmak PJSC will defend its exclusive right to use a well-known name of the drug Corvalolum in the Supreme Court, the press office of the company informs, ET reports.

It is noted that upon the appeal petition of the pharmaceutical firm Darnitsa, the Kyiv Economic Court of Appeal cancelled the decision of the Appeals Chamber of the Ministry of Economic Development on recognizing a well-known tradename Corvalolum.

"The Court of Appeal committed gross violations of the rules of substantive and procedural law, and it did not provide a fair and impartial trial and evaluate all evidence, which led to the adoption of such a decision and cancellation of the economic court decision. The claim of the pharmaceutical firm Darnitsa was dismissed", the message says.

The petitions of the defendant - the Ministry of Economic Development - and the third party - Farmak OJSC - were also rejected that, according to the company, indicates the bias of the trial in the appellate instance.

It is reported that Corvalolum trademark was always used only by Farmak PJSC. In Ukraine, the right to use Corvalolum tradename has been protected since 1993. And in 2004, it was already recognized as well-known.

"During the court session, the court denied to satisfy the petitions declared by Farmak OJSC; the norms of the substantive law were grossly violated, and the proper evaluation of all evidence was not conducted that resulted in adopting, in my opinion, the unjust decision", - Head of the Legal Department of Farmak PSJC Dmitry Taranchuk said.

Now, Farmak OJSC plans to appeal this decision in the Supreme Court.

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