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Naftogaz Negotiates MGPU on Unbundling Operator of Gas Transportation System

Tuesday, 24 July 2018 17:45

The Supervisory Board of Naftogaz of Ukraine NJSC reached agreement with the Supervisory Board of the Main Gas Pipelines of Ukraine (MGPU) on the roadmap of cooperation for a full and transparent unbundling of GTS operator, the company’s press office reported.

“It is a very important landmark, which will ensure Ukraine’s fulfilment of EU’s regulatory requirements, guaranteeing the energetic security and economic prosperity of Ukraine”, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Naftogaz Claire Spottiswoode noted.

According to the requirements, approved by the memorandum of understanding, the process of unbundling GTS operator should be completed in early 2020, after the current gas transit contract with Russian monopolist Gazprom expires.

Previously, Naftogaz agreed with the Cabinet of Ministers its position regarding the unbundling of the GTS operator.

Naftogaz also conducts the government-approved work on developing GTS operator within Ukrtransgas, and as per the order of the Supervisory Board, it has recently involved PriceWaterhouseCoopers for accelerating this process.

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