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Microsoft Will Increase Investments in Developing AI Technologies on Taiwan

Thursday, 30 August 2018 16:42

In early 2018, Microsoft Corporation announced the establishment of the Center for Scientific Research and Development in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Taiwan.

Now, it became known that the software giant will not be limited to initial investments, but is going to invest additional funds to support research and development in AI in Taiwan, finance.ua reports.

In January 2018, Microsoft promised to allocate 1 billion Taiwan dollars (32.6 million US dollars) for forming R&D team, consisting of 100 employees over the next two years. It is expected that after 5 years, the number of Taiwanese researchers and developers, employed in AI ​​project, should exceed 200 people.

Jason Tsao, Head of Microsoft's AI Department in China, said that in Q4, 2018, the corporation will announce new investment plans, related to the development of AI technologies in Taiwan.

He also noted that nearly 50 specialists were recruited to the research center ahead of the schedule, and that the company decided to expand the R&D program to include computer vision and other versions of AI technologies.

In turn, Microsoft Taiwan CEO Ken Sun said that Microsoft's AI solutions will accelerate the transition of Taiwanese enterprises to digital technology and will contribute to the country's GDP growth.

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