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U.S: House of Representatives Approves Draft Law against Cyberattack

Thursday, 06 September 2018 15:36

U.S. House of Representatives approved the draft law, which allows imposing restrictions against executors and customers of cyberattacks, according to the statement of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Ukrinform reports.

«The bill, endorsed by both parties, in particular, protects our economy, elections and critical infrastructure from the harmful cybernetic activity, encouraged by the states

The bill creates the legislative framework of actions on deterring and responding to future cyberattacks against U.S», - the Committee emphasized.

“The new bill requires from the President to form the list of dangerous figures in the cyberspace, responsible for cyberattacks, posing threat to the national security, foreign affairs, economic health or financial stability of the U.S”, Head of Committee Ed Royce told.

“In practice, it will formalize the old unofficial U.S. policy on identifying harmful participants of the cyber space”, he explained.

Moreover, the draft law will demand from the President to impose sanctions from the existing list on all dangerous participants of the cyberspace”, he explained.

U.S. Senate should approve the bill, so it can come into force.


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