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Canada is Ready to Pull out of Trade Deal with U.S.

Wednesday, 19 September 2018 16:13

At the same time, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada hopes to reach compromise with Washington in terms of a free trade zone between the countries.

Canada is ready to terminate membership in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), but will not agree to the deal renegotiation on unfavorable terms, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada Christina Freeland said, Ukrinform reports.

"Our government is determined to get a favorable agreement for the Canadians and we are convinced that no agreement is better than a bad deal", Freeland said.

At the same time, she expressed hope that in Canada and the United States, it will still be possible to reach a compromise.

The minister pointed to a positive atmosphere during talks in Washington, which lasted for the fourth week.

It should be reminded that in late August, U.S. and Mexico announced achievement of the agreement to replace the tripartite agreement on the North American Free Trade Area (NAFTA).

Canada, as the third party to the previous treaty, was offered to join the deal or conclude a separate one. In this regard, Freeland was forced to immediately join the negotiations, and reduced her visit to Europe, in particular, cancelling the meeting in Kiev.

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