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Apple Obtains 62% of Profit from Total Sales of Mobile Phones All over World

Thursday, 20 September 2018 16:45

Apple sold 43% of all phones at the price, exceeding $400 in Q2, 2018, and earned the larger part of profit from mobile phones.

Apple earned 3.6 times more than Samsung and three time more than four largest Chinese brands taken all together, Apple Insider reports.

Apple’s 62-percent share in the profit, obtain in Q2, significantly topped 17% of Samsung’s profit and exceeded Huawei, OPPO, Vivo and Xiaomi profit in China three times. The profit of over 600 other brands of mobile phones was less than 1 percent.

Samsung ranks second, while the company’s profit fell by 21% during the last year. The analysts explain it by weak sale of Galaxy S9 in Q2, 2018.

“Samsung’s share in the segment from $600 to $800 decreased due to lower sales level of Galaxy S9 series”, the analyst Tarun Pathak noted. Meanwhile, iPhone makes up 88% of all sales in the segment over $800.

Huawei ranks third with 8% of the market. Meanwhile, during the last year, the Chinese brand significantly increase profit – by 107% at once. Then go OPPO (5%) and Vivo (4%). Xiaomi (3%) ranks sixth, having increased its revenue by 747%. The efforts of Chinese brands on selling high-class flagships resulted in their joint profit reaching $2 bln.

The analysts add that high-quality premium models mostly created the profit. And though their general demand for smartphones fell by 1 percent in the second quarter, the sale of premium class smartphones increased by 7 percent all over world.

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