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Kazakhstan and Russia Agree on Export of Petroleum Products

Thursday, 04 October 2018 17:18

The Ministry of Energy of Kazakhstan and the Ministry of Energy of Russia amended contract on petroleum products and oil supplies, Kapital.kz correspondent reported to the press office of the Ministry of Energy of Kazakhstan.

“Minister of Energy of Kazakhstan Kanat Bozumbayev and Minister of Energy of Russia Alexander Novak signed the intergovernmental Protocol on amending the contract between the Government of Kazakhstan and the Government of the Russian Federation on trade and economic cooperation in oil and oil products supply to Kazakhstan dated December 9, 2010 (protocol)", according to the disseminated message.

The Energy Ministry explained that the amendments will allow regulating the import of petroleum products from Russia to Kazakhstan and the export of petroleum products from Kazakhstan outside EAEU’s customs territory at the level of the energy departments of two countries.

"Thus, Kazakhstan will be able to more quickly make decisions on the opening or closing of exports or imports of certain types of petroleum products, depending on the balance of the domestic fuel and lubricants market", the press service said.

It should be reminded that in Kazakhstan there is a ban on light oil products export. The signed protocol creates opportunities for opening of exports of light petroleum products of upgraded refineries of Kazakhstan.

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