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U.S. Urges Allies to Avoid Using Huawei Equipment – Mass Media

Friday, 23 November 2018 16:19

Washington attempts to convince allied states not to cooperate with Chinese company due to cybersecurity issues.

During last weeks, U.S. officials attempted to convince other states not to use telecommunication equipment, produced by the Chinese company Huawei, Interfax agency reported quoting The Wall Street Journal on Thursday, November 22, Correspondent.net reports.

It is noted that Washington representatives conduct respective negotiations with the politicians and executives of large companies in Germany, Italy and Japan. U.S. representatives attempt to convince them that the Chinese equipment threatens cybersecurity and promise to finance the purchase of alternative means of communication.

Washington draws special attention to those states, in which there are U.S. military bases. And though Pentagon uses its own satellites and means of communication, in terms of Internet, the work often goes through local private providers.

Some experts, as WSJ emphasizes, consider that U.S. actions are related with trade war between Washington and Beijing as well as technological confrontation of two countries.

Huawei continues to insist that their company is not related with Chinese government and does not carry out acts of sabotage in other countries.

It should be reminded that in August, U.S. government structures officially banned using ZTE and Huawei smartphones for security purposes.

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