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Elon Musk Assesses Probability of His Flight to Mars

Monday, 26 November 2018 16:08

CEO of SpaceX Elon Musk reported that there’s a 70% probability that he will fly himself to Mars after it will become possible to transport people there. He responded to the respective question on Sunday during interview with Axios, UNN reports.

He was asked how probable it is that he will fly to Mars. “70%”, Musk said with confidence. “I say that to get there, it will cost several hundreds of thousands of dollars”, he added.

After that, he was asked whether he considers that in such case each rich man will wish to travel to Mars. “No, because the probability to die on Mars is much higher than on the Earth”, he said, explaining that there is a high threat to human life during travel through the so-called “distant space”.

Previous, Musk announced about the beginning of a program of colonization of Mars in 2022 and the plans regarding the launch of two spaceships with astronauts there in 2024. Recently, the company SpaceX presented a concept of the Martian spacesuit.

As UNN reported, the landing of the station Mars InSight is schedule for today.

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