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U.S. Secretary of State Does not Plan to Meet RF Minister of Foreign Affairs on Sidelines of G20

Friday, 30 November 2018 16:04

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo still does not plan any additional negotiations, including the meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov on the sidelines of G20 Summit in Argentina, State Department Deputy Spokesperson Robert Palladino briefed reporters on Thursday, UNN reports.

He was asked if Pompeo plans to meet with Lavrov in Argentina after Donald’s Trump statement about cancellation of the meeting with Vladimir Putin. “The agenda of the Secretary of State at G20 Summit in Buenos Aires coincides with President’s agenda. I cannot add anything new”, Palladino replied.

“I do not know anything about it, I have nothing on this question”, the diplomat emphasized his request to comment on the possibility of conducting consultations between Pompeo and Lavrov.  

On Tuesday, Spokesperson for the United States Department of State Heather Nauert that Pompeo does not plan to conduct any separate meetings, consultations and negotiations on the sidelines of G20 Summit in Argentina, he will accompany Trump.

As UNN previously informed, U.S. President Donald Trump wrote in his Twitter microblog that he decided to dismiss the bilateral meeting with his Russian colleague Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of G20 in Argentina due to Russia’s aggression in the Strait of Kerch.

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