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Moody’s: Brexit Fraught with Serious Risks

Tuesday, 22 March 2016 17:42

The withdrawal from EU will slow down the economic growth of the United Kingdom over the medium term, the experts think.

The US rating agency Moody’s cautioned the United Kingdom about the withdrawal from the European Union, warning that such step is fraught with serious risks. The Brexit will strengthen the uncertainty and will lead to the decline of economic growth in the United Kingdom over the medium term, the Moody’s experts stated on Tuesday, March 22, Correspondent reports.

According to analysts of the rating agency, if new agreements with countries, remaining in the EU, significantly influence the trade and transfer of capitals, then this can cause “the obvious risks of the decline of economic growth”. The experts believe that Brexit will have a negative impact on the creditworthiness of car producers, processing industry, food industry and services industry.

In this case the British companies will have to reduce investments, until the consequences of the Brexit become evident for trade and regulation as well as labor expenses, the analysts think.

Currently Great Britain has the rating for one grade lower than the maximum AAA, with stable forecast. However, Moody’s experts warned that in case of Brexit the UK’s rating can be downgraded.

The referendum in the United Kingdom about the further presence in EU is scheduled for June 23.  


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