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World Bank: Ukraine Rides Out Recession Peak

Wednesday, 08 June 2016 16:21

The GDP growth has been fixed at 0.1% in the first quarter, Correspondent.net reports.

Ukrainian economy has ridden out the peak of recession and in 2016 it returned to positive dynamics, according to the dedicated Global Economic Prospects report of the World Bank.

The WB analysts noted that in 2016 Ukraine’s economy returned to positive dynamics, and in I quarter the GDP growth was fixed at 0.1%. Thus, in analysts’ opinion, the country has ridden out the peak of recession.

The growth of indicators is especially observed in western regions of Ukraine, which are not directly affected by the conflict in Donbass.

Meanwhile, World Bank forecasts the decrease of Russia’s GDP in the current year by 1.2% as a result of decline in volumes of private investments and consumption.

However, the slowdown of decline in volumes of the economic activity can evidence that RF reached bottom in the range of sectors. The WB experts forecast GDP growth in 2017.

The World Bank report also forecasts the stability of economic situation in euro area, where the GDP growth, according to analysts, will make up 1.6% within next year and a half.

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