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Washington Times Declares about Convincing Victory of Trump in Final Debates

Thursday, 20 October 2016 17:41

The blitz survey of Washington Times demonstrated the convincing victory of US presidential candidate from the Republican Party Donald Trump over Democrat Hillary Clinton in the final series of televised debates – RIA News reports.

The last televised debates were the toughest and full of mutual attacks in the contemporary history. During three rounds, the candidates toughly criticized each other. In particular, at the second debates Trump declared that under his presidency Clinton would be in jail.

On the newspaper’s site, after the end of debates, there was a question posted: ”Who won in the final presidential debates?”

Within the several first hours after debates, the most Internet users voted for Trump – 77% (18,290 respondents). 4.1 ths readers (17%) voted for Clinton. The Republican posted these data in his official Twitter.

However, within one hour, the figures slightly changed, and according to the data at 08:35 MST, 32 ths people (74%) voted for Trump, while nine thousands of Washington Times readers – for Clinton.

Washington Times is one of the most famous newspapers in the USA. Meanwhile, the editorial policy of the newspaper is assessed as conservative. 


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