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Steinmeyer Warns about EU Disintegration

Monday, 24 October 2016 16:08

The refugees, the financial crisis and the Brexit posed a new challenge to the European Union.

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany Frank Walter Steinmeyer told about new challenges for EU members, Correspondent.net reports.

The slogans “Everlasting Peace on the Continent” and “Europe has no alternative” just do not stand up to the criticism”, - Steinmeyer said.

“Financial crisis, influx of refugees, heading to Europe, and shock from the British referendum pushed Europe to severe turbulence zone”, Steinmeyer noted.

He also marked that more and more EU member countries criticized the Brussels policy.

“Even the most devoted partisans of Europe currently see that we should convince people again… If we do not know how to value EU, it will come to nothing”, Steinmeyer emphasized.

In this regard, Germany’s MFA will launch the some kind of European tour in order to discuss the EU future with the public.

“It does not mean that we want to look at EU through rose-colored glasses, vice versa, we want to hear criticism in order to know what is right and what is wrong with Europe”, Steinmeyer said. 


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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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