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Mass Media Finds Out about Possible Exit of YouTube from Russia

Wednesday, 30 November 2016 16:04

The Legal Committee of Media Communications Union (MCU) warned that YouTube falls under the new draft law on online cinemas, which can make this service exit from Russia, RIA News reports, quoting Kommersant and the committee’s findings.

According to the newspaper, currently more than 30% of the total traffic usage by Russian users accounts for YouTube.

The draft law on regulation of video services, prepared by the Media Communications Union, was introduced into the State Duma on November 25. The document bans foreigners from possessing audio-visual services with professional content, the daily audience of which exceeds 100 ths users for month. 

Previously MCU claimed that the new rules will not be applied to YouTube, because its entire content is user, not professional.

“YouTube falls within the idea of “organizer of audio-visual services”, where users post self-made content. The adoption of this draft law can lead to YouTube’s exit from Russia’s territory”, as it is said in the last findings of MCU’s Legal Committee.

As the newspaper’s source, familiar with the process of development of this draft law, explained, professional as well as user content is posted on YouTube, but there is no separation of one from other.

The interlocutor of the edition added that currently YouTube’s owner- US company Google – has cashing services in Russia, in order to fulfill MCU requirements, you will need to create additional infrastructure. Otherwise, YouTube will have to transfer to “foreign platforms, which will lead to sharp increase of currency expenses of all communications providers and the worsening the quality of services”.

YouTube was created in 2005 and became the most popular video hosting service and the second most visited site in the world. The Russians make up about 2 percent of the total audience of this video hosting service.  


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