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FSS Finds about Cyberattacks Prepared for Financial System of RF

Friday, 02 December 2016 15:42

According to agency’s data, servers and command centers for conducting cyberattacks are located on the territory of Netherlands and belong to Ukrainian hosting company, TASS reports.

Foreign intelligence agencies prepare large-scale cyberattacks, aimed at destabilization of the financial system of Russia, according to the message, posted on the official site of the Federal Security Service (FSS) of Russia. 

“Russia’s FSS obtained information about the preparation of large-scale cyberattacks, aimed at destabilization of the financial system of the Russian Federation, including the activities of several major banks of Russia, by foreign intelligence agencies during the period, starting from December 5, 2016”, according to the message.

As noted by FSS, server facilities and command centers for conducting cyberattacks are located on the territory of Netherlands and belong to Ukrainian hosting company BlazingFast.

The cyberattack is planned to be accompanied by bulk messaging of provocative texts and posts in social media (blogs) about the crisis of the monetary system of Russia, bankruptcy and revocation of licenses from several major federal and regional banks. The campaign is targeted at several dozens of RF cities, as emphasized in the agency’s message.

FSS undertakes necessary measures on neutralization of threats to economic and informational security of Russia and documentation of the prepared campaign, according to the message.


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