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Mass Media: Government to Support Russian AIC with Internet Technologies

Wednesday, 14 December 2016 15:54

The representative of the Ministry of Agriculture explained that the implementation of information technologies will improve efficiency of agricultural production and decrease the prime cost of products.

Vice Prime Minister Arcady Dvorkovich assigned the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Communications to develop a plan on providing access to Internet and implementation of Internet in agricultural and industrial complex, TASS reports, quoting Vedomosti and Dvorkovich’s meeting minutes dated November 21.

First of all, the governmental initiative on development and implementation of information systems will be implemented on agricultural lands in Voronezh region, Stavropol and Krasnodar Krai. As Minister’s Representative on Open Government Mikhail Abyzov explained to the edition, first the agrarians will be provided with access to Internet. Establishing the order of construction of communication facilities on “pilot” lands is among Dvorkovich’s instructions.

During the next stage, it is planned to assess efficiency of the use of agricultural lands with the help of space monitoring. The services, based on data from meteorological stations and radio detectors of the Federal Service of Russia on Hydrometeorology and Monitoring of the Environment. These data will be published on public portals and information systems. 

Representative of the Ministry of Agriculture explained to Vedomosti that the implementation of information technologies will improve efficiency of agricultural production and decrease the prime cost of products. According to the newspaper, the project implementation time and its funding sources have not still been settled. 


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