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NBC Reports on Putin’s «Personal Interference» with US Elections

Thursday, 15 December 2016 15:43

Quoting two high-ranking intelligence sources, NBC News claims that Russian top officials are allegedly involved in hacker attacks during US pre-election campaign– RIA News reports.

 “Currently, the representatives of US intelligence services “with a high degree of certainty” believe that Russian President Vladimir Putin was personally involved in secret Russian campaign on interference with US presidential elections”, TV channel reported. 

NBC News notes that this information was received “from diplomatic sources and spies, working for US allies”.

One of channel’s interlocutors claimed that the initial purpose of “interference” was allegedly the revenge to Democratic candidate Hilary Clinton. As a result, according to him, the efforts were targeted at demonstrating corruption in US politics and “splitting US allies with the help of creation of idea that (other countries) cannot anymore count on the USA as the trustworthy global leader”.

TV channel did not receive any official comments from CIA and the secretariat of the Director of National Intelligence.

As one of former CIA employees reported to NBC News, Obama’s administration “can feel obliged to answer before its resignation”.

In October, US intelligence services openly accused Moscow of attempts to influence US elections, recognizing that hackers failed to obtain access to country’s election systems.

Later, the White House acknowledged that there was no hacker activities detected on the election day.  Washington did not provide any evidence of Russia’s involvement in attacks.

US President-Elect Donald Trump said to Fox News that the statements that Russia allegedly interfered with presidential elections for his support are absurd.

Commenting on the position of US authorities, President Vladimir Putin noted that the published documents from Clinton’s campaign do not contain anything in the interests of Russia, and the hysteria is generated to distract attention from the content of these papers. Moscow considers that the accusations are absolutely groundless.

Representative of WikiLeaks, who made these documents public, state that the leakage source was the employee from Clinton’s campaign, who was driven by aversion to corruption in US political system.


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