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Russia Tries to Weaken EU from Inside – Plevneliev

Tuesday, 27 December 2016 16:11

The outgoing president of Bulgaria warned about the European Union from informational attacks, propaganda and ultra-nationalism, Segodnya.ua reports.

The incumbent president of Bulgaria Rosen Plevneliev warned the European Union against attempts of destabilization on the part of Russia, Plevneliev said in the interview to Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

According to the president of Bulgaria, there are enough signs that Moscow finances anti-European parties and mass media in Bulgaria as well as in other EU member states.

Plevleniev also noted that Moscow is also trying to weaken EU from inside by supporting ultranationalist parties and movements. “It refers to the weakening of Europe and the outspread of doubts of democracy and law-governed state”, Plevleniev said.

According to the president of Bulgaria, Moscow pursues the same goal in the Internet. “It is the organized policy, conducted with the clear purpose of EU destabilization”, he emphasized.

Within this framework, Plevleniev noted that people in the EU should understand “what is happening and where the Russian propaganda is focused”.

It should be reminded that previously Representative of Pro-Russian Lobby in Europe Rumen Raden was elected as the President of Bulgaria. The Radev’s inauguration should take place on January 22.

Due to the defeat of his political force, Prime Minister of Bulgaria Boyko Borisov filed for resignation. Then, the Bulgarian parliament should elect a new Prime Minister, who will form his Cabinet of Ministers. It may happen that everything will end with pre-term parliamentary elections.

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