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Pence Promises to Find Guilty in CIA Material Leakage

Friday, 10 March 2017 17:36

US Vice President Michael Pence promised to spare no expense for searching the authors of leakages about the shadowing of Central Intelligence Agency, RIA News reports.

«We will spare no expense for holding liable those, who leaked information, which could disrupt the methods (of intelligence) and our national security», - Pence said in the interview to Fox News.

According to him, if the genuineness of published documents is confirmed, then it refers to «one of the most significant cases of destruction of national security». Pence laid the blame for information leakage on Barack Obama’s administration, during which this data theft allegedly happened.

Meanwhile, Pence claimed that the surveillance methods, described in the documents, are prohibited by the CIA on US territories during shadowing US citizens.

Vice President specified that he cannot confirm the genuineness of documents.

WikiLeaks previously published the presumably classified documents of the CIA, which describe tools for hacking computers, mobile phones and TV sets. According to the files of the revelatory site, the agency officials use the complete set of classified tools, including hacking software, viruses as well as malware, against which the defense mechanisms were not developed yet, and the hackers’ army of the CIA has more than five thousand people.

In addition, the documents show that US consulate in Frankfurt-am-Main fulfilled the functions of hacker center in Europe, in the Middle East and in Africa, and hackers were given the diplomatic passports and provided with cover from the Department of State.

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