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Trump Signs Order on Reorganization of Executive Authorities

Tuesday, 14 March 2017 17:29

The document is aimed at saving costs and improvement of operational efficiency of each executive body and agency – Correspondent.net reports.

US President Donald Trump signed the order on reorganization of federal executive authorities for improvement of its operational efficiency, according to the White House.

The document is aimed at substantial reorganization of US government activities in order to save costs.

“We gathered one of the greatest cabinets of ministers in the history, I am sure of that. And we want to vest them with authorities, which will allow their agencies to be strong and effective as much as possible, and we know how to do it”, Trump said after signing the order.

According to the president, currently, the duplication of functions and redundancy prevail at the highest levels of US executive power, while billions of dollars are poured down the drain.

“This order requires a deep analysis of each executive body and agency in order to see where the spend thrifting is going on, how the quality of services may be improved and if the programs may really serve the citizens of America”, US President added.

As Correspondent.net reports, on March 6, Trump signed the new order on immigration, which includes a temporary ban on the entrance to the country for citizens of six countries as well as issued several new orders on US immigration and homeland security.

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