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Putin Names “Concrete Result of Joint Work” of RF and USA

Monday, 31 July 2017 17:25

The Russian leader told about important spheres of cooperation of Russia and U.S.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin specified the creation of de-escalation area in the south of Syria as the “concrete result of joint work” of RF and U.S., Correspondent reports, quoting Vesti.Ru.

“There are very important areas of our cooperation. This is the area of limitation of the mass destruction weapon – here we definitely play the first fiddle jointly with the United States, - and, by strengthening this regime, we are fighting with terrorism”, the Russian President noted.

According to Putin, we need to analyze how the situation will carry on further, however the creation of southern area of de-escalation in Syria – “it is the concrete step, concrete result of joint work”.

It should be reminded that on July 7, the experts from U.S., Russia and Jordan approved the memorandum on creation of the de-escalation area in the southwest of Syria (Daraa, Quneitra and Suwayda). The ceasefire regime came into force in this area from 12.00 a.m. on July 9.

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