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FAS Threatens to Fine Alfa-Capital for Notification about “Problem Banks”, Russia

Saturday, 19 August 2017 15:26

The company may avoid negative consequences, if it disavows its expert’s statement.

Alfa-Capital may pay a fine, amounting to RUB 500 ths, in case of absence of response to the forthcoming warning of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) regarding distribution of negative information about the banks, FAS Deputy Head Andrei Kashevarov told Interfax.

According to him, the criminal proceeding will be initiated in case of absence of response to the warning. “In this case – up to RUB 500 ths of fine”, FAS Deputy Head said.

In the meantime, the company may avoid some negative consequences. “One of the possible expectations of the warning is the revocation of the manager’s letter. In diplomacy, it is called “a disavowal”, i.e. this all needs to be disavowed. Alfa-Capital should refute”, FAS Deputy Head noted. He also specified that the company itself should handle the consequences of this case for a concrete employee, the author of the letter.

Previously, on Wednesday, Vedomosti reported that Alfa-Capital informed the clients through emails about the problems of Otkrytie FC, Binbank, Moscow Credit Bank (MCB) and Promsviazbank.

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