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Russia’s Financial System Demonstrates Its Resilience to BadRabbit Cyberattack

Friday, 27 October 2017 16:43

The Russian banking system demonstrated its resilience to BadRabbit cyberattack, Head of Financial Market Committee of the State Duma Anatoli Aksakov said on the sidelines of U.S. Russia Business Council annual meeting, which took place in New York, RIA News reports.

“The system withstood. Our banks usually work resiliently. The banks are ready for these attacks. They use the best means of ensuring security”, the parliamentarian said.

On Wednesday, the Bank of Russia fixed a computer attack, using the BadRabbit cryptoware; the compromising of resources of financial organization is not fixed.

Meanwhile, the regulator paid attention that the perpetrators will continue to distribute malware, intended for latent encryption of files. As a rule, the perpetrators send an e-mail with attached virus. If the user opens the file, infected with malware, the software is activated, CB notes.

The Bank of Russia promised to develop mechanisms for reducing the probability of such incidents in the future.

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