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U.S. Fears Biological Weapon of North Korea

Monday, 11 December 2017 16:52

DPRK can have one more dangerous weapon, which poses threat.

More than 10 years ago, U.S. intelligence services provided the Congress with a report on secret developments of the biological weapon in DPRK, Correspondent.net reports quoting The Washington Post.

The edition notes that the report was provided for five months before the first nuclear test of DPRK in 2006. According to the report, then North Korea collected a group of scientists, but they presumably did not have sufficient technical skills.

“Pyongyang’s resources include the rudimentary biotechnological infrastructure”, the report said.

Nowadays, the U.S. and Asian intelligence as well as experts consider that DPRK “is steadily moving to acquisition of necessary mechanisms, which potentially can be used for the advanced program of the biological weapon, from factories, which can produce germs, to the laboratories, specializing in genetic modifications”, the newspaper reports.

In addition, the government of North Korea sends the scientists abroad for obtaining a degree in microbiolody.

The article specifies that the threat of biological attack from DPRK is considered to be serious enough, as Pentagon regularly vaccinates all Korean troops against anthrax and smallpox.

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