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Gazprom Will Have to Negotiate with Ukraine on Transit even after Nord Stream Launch– Russian Media

Tuesday, 20 March 2018 16:26

In 2020, Gazprom will not be able to do without the Ukrainian gas transportation system for gas transit to Europe, because by that time, the ground infrastructure to EU will not be ready for receiving gas of Nord Stream-2, Russia’s Kommersant reports.

Reportedly, by late 2019, when the contract for gas transit through Ukraine expires, Gazprom will be able to pump not more than 34 bln cubic meters out of design 55 bln cubic meters through Nord Stream.

Therefore, the conclusion of a new transit contract with Ukraine is inevitable.

The gas pipeline Eugal, which should become the continuation of the gas pipeline Nord Stream 2 through Germany will be fully constructed only by late 2020.

Meanwhile, according to Gazprom’s multiple statements, it is planned to commission Nord Stream 2 with design capacity of 55 bln cubic meters per year by late 2019.

However, by that time, only one out of two Eugal threads will be built. Thus, in 2020, Gazprom will be able to use in practice not more than 34 bln cubic meters of capacity of Nord Stream 2. The monopoly will be able to fully load the pipe, when commissioning the second thread of Eugal.

Gazprom denied giving any comments.

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