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U.S. Supreme Court Will Hear Case on Trump’s Immigration Order

Wednesday, 25 April 2018 17:34

On Wednesday, U.S. Supreme Court plans to conduct court debates regarding the country’s entry bans, imposed by President Donald Trump, for mainly the citizens from Muslim countries – Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Somali and Yemen. This black list also includes North Korea and Venezuela, UNN reports quoting the Voice of America.

Since taking his office, President Trump imposed three versions of such ban on the country’s entry of foreigners. The previous two versions had temporary nature. The current ban has no expiration date.

The so-called travel ban repeatedly was challenged in U.S. courts, where its legality was questioned by immigration lawyers.

It is expected that the claimants – State of Hawaii, Muslim Association of Hawaii and other three individuals will try to prove that the ban discriminates the Muslim community and exceeds presidential powers in the immigration sphere.

In addition, it is reported that one country – Chad, added to the ban list in September, was excluded from it in September. In his statement, President Trump explained that it was done after this African state enhanced security measures, making their passports “more protected” as well as improved information exchange with U.S. as to the search of the persons, suspected of terrorist activities.

The judgment on the claim, considered by the Supreme Court, is expected in late June.

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