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Naftogaz Loses in Court on Nord Stream Case – Mass Media

Wednesday, 02 May 2018 17:09

The General Court (European Union) rejected the claim of Naftogaz of Ukraine against the European Commission, requesting to cancel the ruling dated 28 October 2016, which allows Gazprom to increase use of the capacities of Opal gas pipeline, as evidenced by the order, published in EU document base, RIA News Ukraine reports.

It is reported that in March 2017, Naftogaz of Ukraine filed a lawsuit to EU General Court against EK, requesting to cancel the decision, allowing Gazprom to increase use of the capacities of Opal gas pipeline and the volumes of gas pumping through the Nord Stream.

Reportedly, Naftogaz argued its lawsuit by the fact that the ruling was approved beyond the powers of the commission.

“The ruling of the General Court dated 9 March 2018 – Naftogaz of Ukraine against the European Commission, upon the petition on the cancellation of commission’s decision dated 28 October 2016 about the revision of the terms of releasing the Opal gas pipeline from the rules of third party access and tariff regulation… The petition is rejected as unacceptable”, the document says.

It was previously reported that Germany finds it necessary that Russia provides guarantees regarding the continuation of gas transit through Ukraine after the completion of Nord Stream-2 construction.

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