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Amazon Releases Set of Free Tools for Integrating Alexa in Cars

Monday, 13 August 2018 16:40

Amazon releases a free set of tools Alexa Auto for integrating its voice assistant in car onboard computers. The software is available for downloading at GitHub, finance.ua reports.

The company’s message notes that the integration of voice assistant will simplify the drivers’ access to the meteorological information, music, smart home system and other functions during the continuous driving.

Hyundai, Ford, BMW, Volkswagen, Toyota and Lexus reported the plans on integrating Alexa in some car models. The car producers do not specify when it will happen.

Currently, the users prefer using Amazon smart stations with integrated assistant Alexa for listening to music, ordering taxi and clarifying the weather forecast. Only 2% users make purchases using it.

It should be noted that previously the scientists from Barkley University in California discovered that that they can control voice assistants Siri, Alexa and Google Assistant through the sounds, which the man does not hear. Through these sounds, encoded in Youtube videos, or encoded in the songs, the hackers will be able to make Siri call the necessary number, Alexa open the apartment door or Google Assistant transfer money from the card.

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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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